Clarity and Freshness of Spirit
Vettica - Campania, Italy
So tonite I thot that it may be a nice time to discuss a few items that I have been wont to use when things are feeling dull and congested,whether physically or emotionally/mentally.
'Early Morning Wake Up'
Petitgrain Essential oil with a pinch of Camphor 4 parts
Lemongrass Essential oil 1/2 -1 part
Nutmeg Essential oil 1 part
Rosemary Essential oil 4 parts
Lime Essential oil 8 parts
Lavender Essential oil 3-4 parts
Fennel Seed oil 3 parts
Menthol Crystal 2-3 parts
(in any product development its good to note that menthol may not exceed 17%
by regulation.)
Ambrette seed wax isolate crystals 3-5 parts
As with many types of Aroma- Therapy applications, this essence can be
creatively used many ways. I've used it in candles and massage oils,
but my favorite way of using it myself is by adding it to an organic
liquid castile soap. Its very effective at bringing you sharply
and evenly awake if used on front of the body so the soap
and shower stream release the aromatheraputic vapor with
the warmth of the shower water- rinsing down and the vapor
coming up to be breathed- true aromatherapy, if you will.
And this is an excellent blend for room or bathroom
spray to freshen the air and deter germs, and nice as well
in cleaning solutions for bath, tub or tile. The menthol
adds a bit of chill and coolness to foster alertness when
a long work day or other warm and strenuous activity has
worn you out leaving you feeling groggy or off
and irritable.
In my personal habits, I practice kundalini yoga as a primary
way to recharge and relax, and part of that includes
using some mantra. the sounds of mantras are
very organized and patterned- so when practiced at times
of mental or energetic stress, give the mind a framework
to rest on while you enjoy that shower or bath or sit or walk
thru the park. And never underestimate the value of
deep and even breathing in 'freak out' times..
We may not be able to change a situation out of our
control, but we CAN change our reaction to it!
Most of all, be good to yourself, and find a point in
any day, that one is just done. then spend the rest of
the evening recharging or replenishing yourself,
making you much more capable the next morning
when you enter that world again.
A spot of good tea I think is always a good thing!
Be Well with your day tomorrow,
I was introduced to a lovely FB Art Page-
check it out and give it a like if it
strikes your fancy.