Saturday, August 23, 2014

Further Talks of Petitgrain Essential Oil

Petitgrain is an essential oil that is extracted from the leaves and green twigs of the bitter orange plant (Citrus aurantium var. amara) via steam distillation. 
   Petitgrain is a wonderful and indispensable ingredient in traditional 'cologne'. The uses it has
is wide and wonderful as its smell. Its a powerful disinfectant and anti-staff infection fighter.
   Its main regions of production are Paraguay and France, with the former's product being of higher odour tenacity. Petitgrain oil (fr. little grain) gains its name from the fact that it used to be extracted from the small unripe oranges of the plant. The oil has a greenish woody orange smell that is widely used in perfumery and found in colognes. Though distilled from the same botanical species as neroli and bitter orange, Petitgrain Essential Oil possesses its own characteristically unique aroma. Petitgrain Essential Oil is distilled from the leaves and sometimes the twigs and branches of the tree whereas neroli essential oil is distilled from the blossoms and Orange Essential Oil is typically cold pressed from the rinds of the fruits.
Antiseptic: Almost all of us are well acquainted with the word “septic” and hear it frequently in our daily life, but seldom do we try to investigate into its details. All we care to know is that whenever we get a wound, it is enough to stick a “Band-Aid” or any other medicated strip on it or apply an antiseptic lotion or cream on it and it is over. If it still gets worse and there is reddish swelling around the wound, then we go to the doctor, he pushes in an injection, and the matter is settled. Have you ever wondered whether you can get septic even without open cuts. What is septic and what causes it? How serious can it be?
Septic is actually a type of infection which may happen to any open and unprotected body part, external or internal, and is caused by a kind of bacteria called Staphylococcus Aureus. Since wounds are the points most vulnerable to infection (being open and exposed), symptoms of septic are therefore mostly seen on wounds but are not limited to that. Septic in the urethra, urinary tracts, gall bladder, and kidneys are also frequently heard of. Neo-natal babies are very susceptible to septic. This infection can give rise to acute pain in the affected places or in the whole body, cramps, convulsions, swelling with redness, stiffness in the muscles and joints, abnormal behaviour, and even death, in the most extreme cases. Many babies catch this infection the moment they are born or when their umbilical cord is cut to detach them from their mother’s body, and this septic can often lead to their tragic death. An antiseptic, like this essential oil of Petitgrain, fights this infection by inhibiting bacterial growth. This oil, being non-toxic and non-irritant, can be safely applied externally or ingested.

(from Wiki and Organic Facts)

Happy Scented Saturday!

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