Wednesday, August 20, 2014


This crisp and refreshing, yet heady scent is named after the South American bird of the same moniker. Wafts of jungle scented humidity rich with Orange Blossoms, three kinds of citrus and a harmony of florals, flavored herb...s and woods to bring a strong body to the core of the scent (Lavender, Sage, Palo Santo). Traces of resinous bushes (Ciste, Ensans), roots and nearly fugitive spices are secreting themselves just under the effluviant nimbus of lively thought and creative conversations of the osmological, ontological omniverse (?!). This scent comes flying swiftly to you on the wings of the four winds. This parfum was patiently waiting its birth into this garden of mine for nearly ten years. Its parent of Inspiration is the olde antique scent known to some as the eau de toilette/cologne known as Agua de Florida- Florida Water.

Welcome to Qetzal

Rejoice in the Flight of Your Soul. Most especially for your personal enjoyment. Happily Scented. Made for a Blessing.

So Qetzal is our thought of what Florida Water would be one day. The Agua Nueva- The New Water, if you will. As if Florida Water took but one more step and allowed a more lavish presentation of citrus and a stronger floral note- a little more satisfaction, and the floral mystery ensconced in an effluviant cloud (pepper, cardamom, ginger) with a strong fixity and staying power for citral concoctions. Fragrant grasses compliment the upper and mid notes of this composition. The past and future coming together in one fragrant - NOW. This blend may be used both as a light citrus accent used sparingly for wide crowds and social tet-d'-tets, or used lavishly for those moments of warm intimacy and excited closeness of thot or soul... Rumored to be suitable for Curandismo and songs for Plants....And living Well.

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